Is NyQuil FSA/HSA Eligible?

Yes, NyQuil is eligible for reimbursement with a Flexible Savings Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA). 

Why Is NyQuil FSA/HSA Eligible?

NyQuil qualifies for reimbursement under a Flexible Savings Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) because it is classified as an over-the-counter (OTC) medication designed to treat cold and flu symptoms. According to IRS Code Section 213(d), expenses for medications that diagnose, treat, or alleviate medical conditions are considered qualified medical expenses.

As a multi-symptom cold and flu remedy, NyQuil is used to address symptoms such as fever, cough, congestion, and sleeplessness, which are directly associated with common illnesses. The active ingredients in NyQuil are specifically formulated to provide temporary relief from these symptoms, further solidifying its eligibility under FSA/HSA guidelines.

To ensure compliance with FSA/HSA rules, the IRS requires that OTC medications be used for the treatment or management of a medical condition rather than for general wellness. NyQuil’s clear medical purpose and symptom-specific formulation make it a qualifying expense. 

How to Use Your FSA/HSA to Purchase NyQuil

Head to or log into the buyFSA app. Browse the NyQuil range and make your product selections by clicking on the shopping cart icon below each image. To review your order and proceed to payment, click the shopping bag icon in the top right-hand corner. Confirm that your order is correct and click checkout to pay. In the checkout screen, provide your contact, delivery, and FSA/HSA card information and select pay now (FSA/HSA).

Alternatively, include your regular credit card details to make an out-of-pocket payment. Upload your payment receipt to claim your expenses from your FSA/HSA provider. Remember to include the following for a streamlined reimbursement:

  • Name of the provider

  • Date of purchase or service rendered (the services rendered must be within the FSA’s plan year)

  • Description of items/services rendered

  • Itemized list of products purchased with UPCs (if procuring items at a retailer that doesn’t accept FSA cards or if using a regular credit card)

  • Total amount of purchase

What Other Nighttime Cold & Flu Medications Are FSA/HSA Eligible?

Along with NyQuil, various other nighttime cold and flu medications are also eligible for reimbursement with an FSA or HSA. These include well-known brands and products like:

  • Tylenol PM (acetaminophen and diphenhydramine): Pain reliever, fever reducer, and sleep aid.

  • Advil PM (ibuprofen and diphenhydramine): Pain reliever, fever reducer, and sleep aid.

  • Aleve PM (naproxen and diphenhydramine): Pain reliever, fever reducer, and sleep aid.

  • Unisom SleepTabs: Sleep aid with diphenhydramine.

  • Vicks NyQuil: Multi-symptom relief for cold and flu symptoms, including sleep aid.

This is not an exhaustive list, and other nighttime cold and flu medications may also be eligible. It is always recommended to check with your FSA/HSA provider or consult the IRS guidelines for the most up-to-date information on eligible medical expenses.

Learn More About FSA/HSA Eligible Items:

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