Does my FSA cover sex toys? - BuyFSA

Does my FSA cover sex toys?

While Flexible Spending Accounts do not cover sexual toys and accessories primarily for sexual enhancement and pleasure, there is a handful of FSA-approved sexual health products that may surprise you. If you've read through our article explaining what you can buy with an FSA, you'll understand how even sexual health products fit within the "FSA eligible" definition.

Your FSA will cover sexual health products within the following four classifications; for:

  1. Pain relief,
  2. Fertility monitoring and promotion
  3. Contraception and testing
  4. Pelvic floor strengthening


Which sex products are not covered with my FSA?

Sex products used for the sole purpose of "sexual enhancement" are not considered FSA-eligible expenses. Some examples of ineligible expenses include erectile dysfunction devices, dildos, vibrators, desensitizing topicals, and other sex toys used primarily for pleasure. Additionally, traditional personal lubricants are considered dual-purpose (FSA-ineligible) and will not transact with your FSA card if you try to make a purchase in-store or online.


Are sexual health products covered with my FSA?

There is a limited list of sexual health devices and accessories that are FSA-approved expenses. The topic is taboo and one that has historically skirted FSA eligibility primarily for that reason. With increasing amounts of open conversation around sexual health, these products have received further consideration when it comes to spending your tax-free dollars.


Which specific sexual health products can I buy with my FSA?

  • Fertility lubricants (lube with ingredients improving chances of conception)
  • Male / Female Condoms
  • Dental Dams
  • Fertility Kits / Monitors (for men and women)
  • Pregnancy Tests
  • Pelvic floor exercisers


What is the purpose for pelvic floor exercisers?

These FSA-eligible products are also known as pelvic floor tools, pelvic floor stimulators, and pelvic floor trainers. Their purpose is to strengthen the pelvic floor in a similar fashion to device-free Kegel exercises.

Exercising the pelvic floor provides improved bladder and bowel control, helps with post-childbirth recovery, aids in post-surgery recovery and can enhance sensations experienced during sex. 

Causes for issues with the pelvic floor:

  • Naturally through aging
  • Surgery (prolapse correction and hysterectomies)
  • Having a child
  • Obesity
  • Heavy lifting or shocks causing excess strain (including excessive coughing)

For FSA eligibility purposes, strengthening the pelvic floor is seen as a way to treat incontinence and aid in recovery. With 25 million Americans suffering from urinary incontinence (NAFC), these devices provide wide ranging health benefits that have led to their FSA inclusion.

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