Artículos de ayuda de la FSA

December is here and the FSA deadline is creeping closer - BuyFSA

December is here and the FSA deadline is creepi...

This is a public service announcement: Check your FSA balance today and decide how to use it before December 31st.  Procrastinators and planners alike need to pay attention to the...

December is here and the FSA deadline is creepi...

This is a public service announcement: Check your FSA balance today and decide how to use it before December 31st.  Procrastinators and planners alike need to pay attention to the...

What happens to unused FSA funds (2022)? - BuyFSA

What happens to unused FSA funds (2023)?

If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), you’re probably familiar with the term, “Use it or lose it.” The phrase is indicative of how FSA funds expire at the...

What happens to unused FSA funds (2023)?

If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), you’re probably familiar with the term, “Use it or lose it.” The phrase is indicative of how FSA funds expire at the...

Can I add an FSA card to my mobile wallet? - BuyFSA

Can I add an FSA card to my mobile wallet?

Many may wonder if FSA debit cards work within iPhone and Android mobile wallets. In fact, the answer is yes, you can add your FSA card into either an Apple...

Can I add an FSA card to my mobile wallet?

Many may wonder if FSA debit cards work within iPhone and Android mobile wallets. In fact, the answer is yes, you can add your FSA card into either an Apple...

How do I get an FSA Product Approval Certificate? - BuyFSA

How do I get an FSA Product Approval Certificat...

BuyFSA is the only site that provides FSA product approval certificates that distinguish eligible from ineligible FSA and HSA products. As a brand that is interested in getting products qualified for...

How do I get an FSA Product Approval Certificat...

BuyFSA is the only site that provides FSA product approval certificates that distinguish eligible from ineligible FSA and HSA products. As a brand that is interested in getting products qualified for...

Q&A: What can you buy with an FSA? - BuyFSA

Preguntas y respuestas: ¿Qué se puede comprar c...

Para esta publicación, abordaremos algunas preguntas comunes sobre elegibilidad de productos de la FSA que escuchamos. Aquí está nuestro segmento rápido de "¿Es elegible para FSA?": P: ¿Se pueden comprar...

1 comentario

Preguntas y respuestas: ¿Qué se puede comprar c...

Para esta publicación, abordaremos algunas preguntas comunes sobre elegibilidad de productos de la FSA que escuchamos. Aquí está nuestro segmento rápido de "¿Es elegible para FSA?": P: ¿Se pueden comprar...

1 comentario
People don't talk about this hidden FSA benefit - BuyFSA

La gente no habla de este beneficio oculto de l...

Una cuenta de gastos flexibles es una cuenta libre de impuestos sobre la renta que se ofrece a través de su empleador como un beneficio de salud para agregar a...

La gente no habla de este beneficio oculto de l...

Una cuenta de gastos flexibles es una cuenta libre de impuestos sobre la renta que se ofrece a través de su empleador como un beneficio de salud para agregar a...